Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School is blessed to have many grants, foundations, and retail partners.
All of these funds help support our students and our school!
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The mission of the Charity Guild of Catholic Women is the sanctification of its members under the patronage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the practice of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and the practice of charity by rendering assistance to children in need in the greater Houston area, regardless of race or creed.
Learn more about the charity guild at https://charityguildshop.org/.Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School is grateful to the Charity Guild for their support. We have been blessed to receive this grant on multiple occasions:
2023 - $10,000 - purchased privacy liners for the blacktop and soccer field, and panic bar exit on the blacktop gate.With your Randalls Remarkable card, designate Our Lady of Guadalupe School as a beneficiary of their Good Neighbor Program and OLG will receive 1% of your purchases. The GNP Charity # for OLG is 3479.
Kroger Cashier: Please scan the customer’s KrogerPlus Card at the beginning of the order, then scan the barcode. Have the Cashier scan your KROGER SHARE CARD along with the school barcode. OLG receives 1% of every purchase. It is not necessary to re-scan the barcode for every subsequent purchase.
Target will donate 1% of your Target Visa or Target Red Card purchases at any Target store and target.com and 1/2% of Target Visa purchases made everywhere else. Visit www.target.com/tcoe to designate OLG School as your school. The ID # for OLG School is 16246.
GoodSearch is a search engine powered by Yahoo!. For every search, you make through GoodSearch, OLG benefits. Go to www.goodsearch.com and select Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Houston TX as your charity. To make sure OLG greatly benefits from this service, download the GoodSearch toolbar to ensure that every search goes towards OLG. If you make an online purchase through their affiliate GoodShop, a portion of your purchase will go to OLG.
General Mills Box Tops for Education: We encourage each family to collect and bring box tops in an envelope to the school office. Keep an eye out for bonus box tops on the top of cereal boxes or other General Mills Products.