Site Coordinator: Ms. Cassandra Moreno
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 832-364-8950
The phone will be monitored only from 3:30 pm to 6 pm. During the school day, please contact the school office with questions regarding the program. Any voicemails will be returned within 24-48 hours.
Before School Care
The program opens at 7:00 AM in the cafeteria. BASP staff member will walk students to the school building or La Escuelita after the school doors open at 7:30. Reminder: breakfast is NOT being served at school this year.
After School Care
The program operates from 3:30 PM until 6:00 PM daily and is usually held in the cafeteria. Occasionally BASP is moved to the school building to accommodate other programs using the cafeteria and/or gym space. When this happens, an email will go out to all registered BASP families to inform them of the location change.
Drop-In Care
Students who are not picked up by the end of the afternoon carpool will be sent to BASP and will be considered a “drop-in.” Students are not permitted to wait on the playground, in the gym, or anywhere else without supervision. Parents will be billed for BASP Drop-In Care.
All forms MUST be filled out prior to a child's attendance. Forms are available online or in the school office
BASP Handbook
The handbook covers all the topics of interest such as all fees, policies, and procedures. Every parent should become familiar with it.